Press Release

AUG 02 2022

ESG Wellness Series: Healthy Bento Day


Full of energy you will feel, after eating a healthy meal. Healthy eating can improve our moods, self-esteem and energy, while lowering stress and anxiety levels. To encourage healthy diet, we had our ESG Wellness Series: Healthy Bento Day last Friday.

Thank you our in-house Healthy Diet Advisor – Pamela Yeung for preparing these amazing low-carb & high-protein Bentos and giving so much healthy eating advice.

Here are some more tips:
- Eat your greens first 🥗
- Eat lots of fruit and veg 🍎 🍌 🍐 🥑
- Use rare sugar 🍮
- Eat less salt 🥡
- Drink more water💧
- Steam instead of frying 🍲
- Aim for a variety of colors 🌽 🥦 🍆 🥩 🍠
- Brown rice instead of white rice 🍚

Remember, you are what you eat!

