Investor Relations

Basic Information

Company Name
Arta TechFin Corporation Limited
Consolidated Enterprises
Principal Place of Business
Units 1-2, Level 9 K11 ATELIER King's Road 728 King's Road, Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Registered Office
Cricket Square,Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman,KY1-1111, Cayman Islands
Phone Number
(852) 3513 8279
Fax Number
(852) 2507 2009
Financial Year End

Board of Directors

Executive Directors
Mr. Xu Hao Ms. Li ChuChu,Tracy
Non-executive Directors
Dr. Cheng Chi-Kong,Admin SBS,JP Mr. Han Kam Leung,Michael
Independent Non-executive Directors
Ms. Ling Kit Sum Imma Mr. Zhang Guang Ying Dr. Tam Lai Fan Gloria


Company Secretary
Ms. Li Chuchu, Tracy
Principal Bankers
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Crowe (HK) CPA Limited

Legal Counsels

Hong Kong Howse Willams 27/F Alexandra House 18 Chater Road,Central Hong Kong
Cayman Islands Conyers Dill & Pearman 29th Floor, One Exchange Square 8 Connaught PlaceCentral, Hong Kong

Listing Information

HKEX Stock Code
Listing Date
MAY 11 1988
Share Registrar and Transfer Office in Hong Kong
Tricor Secretaries Limited 17/F, Far East Finance Centre 16 Harcourt Road Hong Kong